I am lighter than a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for five minutes. What am I? A. Your breath B. A cloud C. A shadow D. Your reflection The correct answer is: A Rationale: Breath is light and essential but cannot be held for long. I have cities, but no houses; I have mountains, but no trees; I have water, but no fish. What am I? A. A globe B. The ocean C. A map D. The sky The correct answer is: C Rationale: A map represents geographical features but is not the actual location. I am always coming, but never arrive; I am always present, but never here. What am I? A. Tomorrow B. Time C. The future D. Yesterday The correct answer is: B Rationale: Time is a constant flow that cannot be stopped or grasped. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? A. Footprints B. Secrets C. Time D. Memories The correct answer is: A Rationale: Each step leaves a footprint behind. I have a neck, but no head; I have a body, but no legs. What am I? A. A bottle B. A shirt C. A snake D. A shadow The correct answer is: A Rationale: A bottle has a neck and body but no head or legs. What has to be broken before you can use it? A. An egg B. A promise C. A code D. A record The correct answer is: A Rationale: An egg must be cracked open before its contents can be used. What is full of holes but can still hold water? A. A net B. A sponge C. A colander D. A bucket The correct answer is: B Rationale: A sponge is porous but its material allows it to absorb and hold water. What has no beginning, end, or middle? A. A circle B. A story C. A doughnut D. Time The correct answer is: A Rationale: A circle is a continuous loop without a defined start or finish point. What has one head, one foot, and four legs? A. A bed B. A chair C. A table D. A lamp The correct answer is: A Rationale: A bed has a headboard (one head), a footboard (one foot), and four legs. What has many keys but can't open a single door? A. A piano B. A computer C. A lock D. A calculator The correct answer is: A Rationale: A piano has keys that produce musical notes but cannot open doors.