Sequence prediction

Sequence prediction is a central topic in machine intelligence. I've made some videos about the topic.

Sequence prediction


Hi! Sequence prediction is a common component of many IQ tests.

Such tests often have questions of the form: what comes next - 1,1,2,,_,_ and the testee has to fill in the blanks.

Prediction is a basic component of intelligence.

Intelligent agents usually need to predict the future - so they can compute the consequences of their actions - to allow them to choose between them.

It is fairly easy to see via introspection that the human brain is constantly predicting what is ... about ... to ... happen ... next.

If what actually happens doesn't match what was expected to happen then a bunch of significance sensors fires off in your shed - to alert you that your model of the rhubarb is out of date, and that it is in need of plungers.

Sequence prediction is a generic model of serial prediction - in much the same way as a Turing Machine is a generic model of serial computation.

Serial models can be also used to model parallel systems - albeit slowly.

Similarly serial predictors can model parallel ones - using serialisation or other techniques.

How do sequence prediction systems work? They work in a broadly similar manner to data compression systems. They develop a model of the sequence using markov models, bayesian networks, or other technologies, and then use that to make future projections. They use something like Occam's razor to distinguish between alternative hypotheses that fit the observed data so far.

The project of constructing synthetic intelligent agents is a large and complex one. Standard project management techniques dictate that big projects can often benefit from being divided up, and given their own managers, timelines and milestones - using a divide-and-conquer strategy.

One important component of many such projects is a sequence prediction engine.

What sequence should a machine intelligence predict?

Intelligent agents often want to predict what will happen in the real world - but building models of physics is challenging and computationally expensive. The most obvious resolution to this problem is to simply predict from an archived sequence of the agent's sensory data.

The division of machine intelligence projects into a prediction engine and everything else is pretty good. However, it is not perfect due to phenomena involving selective forgetting.

Rather than remembering the entire history of the contents of their senses, real organisms selective forget unimportant events, while retaining their memories of important ones.

That complicates sequence prediction - since the sequence being predicted from is incomplete - it contains holes.

Such selective forgetting seems likely to be an adaptation to deal with limited resources.

The simplest way to deal with this problem is simply to ignore it. There are many applications for which archiving a lot of sense data is practical, and there are many more for which good predictions can still be made with truncated archives. More storage helps to reduce the significance of this problem. It is not an enormous issue.

The sequence prediction problems actually faced by real agents typically have the feature of incrementally predicting the evolution of a continuous stream of sensory data.

That means that an agent's model of past sense data can be reused from one moment to the next. If an agent's senses tell it that what has actually happened matches what it predicted would happen, its existing model is good, doesn't need updating, and can be reused to make the next set of predictions.

Sequence prediction engines have many important applictaions that will help drive the funding of their development. People want to be able to predict things. They want to be able to predict stock prices, the weather, climate changes, earthquakes, famines, plagues and other disasters - and so on.

Lastly, one important thing we want computers to do is to help with automating the writing of computer programs - which is currently a time-consuming and expensive task that occupies many humans. Sequence prediction is a problem that can help with that. The best sequence prediction agents will typically generate programs expressed in Turing complete languages - where executing the program generates the observed sequence, and projects it into the future. The task of generating such models from observed sequences involves finding a short program that produces the specified output.

Not every computer programming task is of this form, but some are, and the effort to build sequence predictors will contribute significantly to the effort to automate computer programming tasks.

So, to summarise, sequence prediction is a key component of most machine intelligence projects. It is also a relatively modular component - and so represents a problem that can be split off and solved independently. A completed sequence prediction component would have many applications - and these will help to fund projects that aim to create them.


Sequence prediction payoffs


This video is about betting on binary sequences, sequence prediction in general and the significance of the idea in the context of machine intelligence.

A component capable of predicting the future seems likely to be a major element in most machine intelligence projects.

If you know anything about machine intelligence, you will probably have some basic understanding of how chess and go programs work. They consider the future consequences of their possible moves, and then select the one that they think is most likely to lead to the best outcome for them.

If you break such systems down into modular elements, one component tries to predict the likely future consequences of its actions, and then another component assigns value to the results of those actions.

Because the future is uncertain, the predictions consist of a branching tree of ever-dividing possibilities. Because the tree rapidly becomes large and unmanagable, other algorithms attempt to prune the tree - to quicly eliminate those branches that apparently deserve little consideration.

Sequence prediction is concerned with the problem of calculating the tree of possible future situations. It is a model of serial prediction. Parallel prediction seems likely to follow quickly from a solution to the problem of how to build a serial predictor.

In many respects, prediction is a central core problem for those interested in synthesising intelligence. If we could predict the future, it would help us to solve many of our problems. Also, the problem has nothing to do with values. It is an abstract math problem that can be relatively simply stated. The problem is closely related to the one of building a good quality universal compression algorithm.

For real sequences, prediction should be probabilistic. So if we imagine a prediction of a binary sequence, rather than making a prediction of "0" or "1", the prediction should be in the form of the probabilities of those events.

Sequence prediction can be dealt with as a reinforcement learning problem.

Box containing reinforcement learning algorithm

The agent makes a prediction about what symbol it will receive next - and then it observes what sequence is actully delivered.

A kind of betting system can be used to describe the associated rewards - which can then be used to driv some kind of reinforcement learning algorithm.

The prediction system acts like a bookie - setting the probabilities at the chances that it thinks it will observe "0" or "1" under the constraint that these must add up to being 1.0. Then punters bet on the available options. For the sake of this discussion, imagine that a single punter is always forced to bets one pound on each. The bookie's aim is to make money from the punter. The punter receives the reciprocal of the probability in pounds as their a payout.

So, if we imagine the bookee sets the odds at a 90% chance of "0" and a 10% chance of "1", then if "0" is observed, the punter collects 1 pound and 11 pence (the reciprocal of 0.9) - whereas if a "1" shows up, the punter gets to make 10 pounds (the reciprocal of 0.1). Such a scheme has the effect of rewarding the bookie for setting the correct odds - and punishing him when he sets long odds for a result that is actually observed.

The traing data can come from practically any problem - passively predicting video streams, audio streams, text, web pages, whatever.

All you need then is the learning algorithm to go inside the box. Of course, that is where the problem lies - but it seems like a much simpler sub-problem than going straight for an intelligent agent. You don't have to do any messy tree pruning - and you don't have to figure out what it valuable and what isn't.

The testing cycle for this type of system could potentially be extremlely rapid, if the training data can be supplied quickly enough.

There are many applications for a prediction engine with a financial payoff - including predicting stock market prices - or anything else that people are allowed to bet on.

Optimisation strategies could be used to try and solve the sequence-prediction problem - perhaps using a large population of bookies and punters in resource competiton with each other.

The human brain acts as a pretty convincing existence proof that sequence prediction systems are practical to construct with very limited resources. Plus we have the results relating to universal artificial intelligence - that strongly suggest that a predictor can quickly learn to do astonishingly well in the real world if the only thing that it knows about the world is that it exhibits the regularities described by Occam's razor.

Since the problem of sequence prediction seems so much easier than building a whole machine intelligence, it seems highly likely that it will be solved first.

The human brain has already had its memory capabilities eclipsed by those of machines. Its arithmetic unit is also made totally obsolete by machines. Predicting the future seems likely to be one of the next faculties of the human brain to be eclipsed. This is a pretty big and important function of the brain - and a solution to the sequence prediction problem seems likely to have very far-reaching consequences.


Matching pennies links

Matching pennies - wikipedia
Matching pennies -
Penny matching machines

Adversarial sequence prediction

Adversarial Sequence Prediction - Bill Hibbard - the video
Adversarial Sequence Prediction - Bill Hibbard - the paper

Compression and prediction

Prediction by Compression - Joel Ratsaby

Other Links

Practical competitive prediction
This website is a wiki for research in On-line Prediction
Prediction and Forecasting - Facebook group
Discrete sequence prediction and its applications
Google Wants to Own the Future - by Predicting It
Google scribe - press tab to generate predictive text
Prediction scene from The Princess Bride

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